Visualization of CurrentCost xml data

Also available in Calc - Excel - Javascript
by Olav Buunen, Nijmegen, the Netherlands  - Contact:  olav buunen

Visualize live and historic data using Javascript

What is it ?
The output data of the C2 monitor is saved to the file cc_debug.txt.

C2 Terminal (download from CurrentCost site)

                                    TerminalDeveloped as a utility programme, the C2 Terminal is designed for users test connectivity to the serial port of Current Cost monitors and view the raw XML data in a low-fi style. The C2 terminal works with all data enabled Current Cost devices: both versions of the Classic and the Envi (CC128).
C2 Terminal - download C2

The file has a xml-like format, but lacks the <xml> and </xml> labels.
In order to visualize the data, this webpage with Javascript can be used.
The webfiles contained in will:
a) show actual data in graph
b) show historical data in hours, days or months
Example graphs are shown in the right column of this page.
You can open a demonstration page to experience the effect.

What do you have to do?
Start the C2 terminal software and select a directory for the output file.
put the cc_debug.txt file in the same directory as the Calc file.
Select the com port (COM10 for USB cable).
Open port around any odd hour, like 09:00, 11:00 or 19:00 hrs.
Close port after all historic data was send, around 25 min. past the hour.

open the file cc_debug.txt and
a) change the first timestamp line in <xml>            

b) change the last timestamp line in </xml> 
save the file as 'cc_debug.xml' or [myfilename].xml

Unzip the files in a directory for example 'cc_local'.
Open the index.html file in your browser.
Select Hist or Actual and use the box to load another xml-file.
Your graphs will be shown in your browser window!

How does it work?
The data from cc_debug.txt has to be prepared as a xml-file. This xml-file can be read using Javascript and the prototype library using AJAX. The graph is drawn using the JScharts library.
When a different selection is made, the file is read again and the graph is updated.

Files included in

- index.html
- cc.css        Stylesheet
- cc.js Javascript file
- prototype.js general Javascript library
- jschart.js chart drawing Javascript library 
- cc_debug.xml default xml file
- cc_debug_201201xx.xml  some example xml files


Live graph (every 6 seconds)

240 uren

760 hours graph (2 hour resolution)

40 dagen

60 days graph

5 maanden

16 months graph

Available downloads:  
Website to be used on local pc. Includes sample.

Sample C2 terminal output file, with timestamps removed and xml-tags added